IMPARGO's transportation and logistics glossary

Find the definitions of the most important terms used in transportation and logistics industry

What does Unit Cost mean?

A unit cost is the cost incurred by a business to assemble and/or develop, store, and sell one unit of a certain product. This simply refers to the amount of money spent by the company from the time a product is manufactured until it is sold. This is an accounting metric that covers both fixed and variable costs. The metric can be used to assess the efficiency of a company's activities.

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Transportation Management Platform (TMP) for Industrial and Commercial enterprises
Do you assign loads to transport service providers? Our cloud-based system can streamlines all of your logistics processes.
  • Transport order management
  • Carrier management (assign orders and request offers)
  • Pricing, tracking and document management
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Transportation Management Platform (TMP) for transport service providers
Are you running a transportation business? Your daily tasks can be done more efficiently with our easy-to-use software.
  • Truck route planner (avoid toll costs & increase profits)
  • Transport offer management
  • Transport address management
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